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  • Sebastian Hawks: For Monster & Country #3 2016 Gestalt Publishing
  • Self/Made #1 2018 Image Comics
  • Self/Made #2 2019 Image Comics
  • Self/Made #3 2019 Image Comics
  • Self/Made #4 2019 Image Comics
  • Self/Made #5 2019 Image Comics
  • Self/Made #6 2019 Image Comics
  • Self/Made 2019 Image Comics
  • Serotonin 2019 Self published by Eirinn Woods
  • Sexy Female Murderesses 2018 Glom Press
  • Shades of Definition (short story) 2019 Entropy Magazine
  • Shadow Portrait 2019 World Literature Today
  • SHE Vol. 1: At The Tower of All That Is Known 2020 ComixTribe
  • She Was A Teenage Bondage Fiend 1992 Scummy Dog Graphix
  • Sherlock Bones and the Art and Science Alliance 2022 Allen & Unwin
  • Sherlock Bones and the Natural History Mystery 2019 Allen & Unwin
  • Sherlock Jr. #1 1990 Eternity Comics
  • Ships Will Sink and I Will Swim 2020 Self published by Mat Adams
  • Shock Raider #1 1984 Carr Colour Comics
  • Shoe Omnibus 1992 Off Planet
  • Showtime 2022 Self published by Peter Kozak
  • Shrine: Entrance 2022 Shrine Comics
  • Sickening 2020 Amplified Press
  • Sidney Grace Must Say Yes! 2019 Self published by Richard Moore
  • Silver Fox #1 2019 Self Published
  • Silver Starr #1 1956 Apache Comics
  • Silver Starr #1 1956 Apache Comics
  • Sincerely, Harriet 2019 Graphic Universe
  • Sirious Issues #1 2020 DryHumour
  • Sizzle and Doug into the Multiverse 2022 ComX Studio
  • Skin Deep #1 1999 HIV & Health Promotion Unit
  • Skin Deep #1 2020 Self published
  • Skunge #0 1995 Status Comics
  • Skunge: NYPD #1 1995 Status Comics
  • Skunge: The Killer Punk #1 1995 Status Comics
  • Skye’s Cavern Library #1 1998 Facade Comics
  • Slasher 2019 FrankenComics
  • Slice of Life – Melbourne 2019 Self published by Becca Walthall
  • Slow Down 2008 Dinky Press
  • Sludge Crossing 1998 Youth Action’s Multi Media Productions
  • Sluggish #1 2022 Psycho Janitor
  • Small Intestine #4 1995 Spastic Monkey Corporation
  • Small Intestine #3 1995 Spastic Monkey Corporation
  • Small Mortal Mammals 2018 Amplified Press
  • Small Talk Starring Bel & Emma 2017 Self Published by Emma Hough Hobbs & Bel Short
  • Smooth #3 1995 Bize Comix
  • Smooth #4 1996 Bize Comix
  • Smooth #5 1996 Bize Comix
  • Smooth #6 1998 Bize Comix
  • Snail Mail 2019 Self published by Samuel McEwen
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