Tides of Hope

Tides of Hope

Supanova Pop Culture Industries | 2011 | Country of Publication: Australia

Stewart McKenny (Colours: Annette Kwok)


34 pages | All Ages
Anthology, Comic Book

Genre: Fiction, Alternative, Education/Information


Co-editors: Tim McEwen and Christopher Sequeira

Contributors: Patrick Alexander, Liz Argall, Paul Bedford, Royd Burgoyne, Bernard Caleo, Greg Capullo, Gary Chaloner, W. Chew “chewie” Chan, Jason Chatfield, Chris Claremont, Rebecca Clements, Phil Cornell, Jeffrey ‘Chamba’ Cruz, Julie Ditrich, Sarah Ellerton, Dave Elsey, Anton Emdin, Michael Evans, David Follett, Jason Franks, Edward J. Grug III, Greg Horn, Annette Kwok, Dan Lynch, Alex Major, Alex Maleev, Paul Mason, Tim McEwen, Stewart McKenny, Jessica McLeod, Michael Michalandos, Mandy Ord, Jason Paulos, J. Scherpenhuizen, Christopher Sequeira, Mark Sexton, Komala Singh, Nathan Soehardi, Jon Sommariva, Steve Stamatiadis, Kurt Stone, Arthur Suydam, Jozef Szekeres, Tom Taylor, Andie Tong, Daren White, Colin Wilson, Leinil Francis Yu



Entry created: February 1, 2023 at 4:13 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:42 am

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