Fist Full of Comics

Fist Full of Comics 8

Toastpirate Comics | 2010 | Country of Publication: Australia

Loren Morris


24 pages | For Mature Readers
Anthology, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Alternative


“Book Of Joe: So You Want To Live The Quiet Life?” 5 pages

Writer/Artist: Dave Hodson

“Dr Stupid in “God Only Knows!”” 1 pages

Writer: Rob Serling
Artist: Dave Hodson

“Be Still My Beating Heart” 2 pages

Writer: Jen Breach
Artist: Nick Bates

“Goin’ Deep With Nick Pickins” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Randy Leonard

“The Adventures Of White Wolf” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Frank Candiloro

“Time To Go” 5 pages

Writer: Peter Moerenhout
Artist: Rob Crooenborghs

“Click Me” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Kirk Kenny


Back cover by Matthew Ryan Sweet



Entry created: June 8, 2021 at 9:05 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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