

Self published by Emmet O’Cuana | 2019 | Country of Publication: Australia

Ele Jenkins


For Mature Readers, Adult content. Not for minors
Comic Book

Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural



Writer: Emmet O’Cuana
Artist: Jeferson Sadzinski
Letterer: Thomas Mauer

“Fantasy Novel Pinups”

Artist: Scarlette Baccini
Artist: Paul Caggegi
Artist: Dean Rankine
Artist: Ele Jenkins

“Afterword: On Pay and Panelology”

Writer: Emmet O’Cuana


Did you ever want to travel to the fantasy world you could only read about in books? Adventure alongside noble kings? Battle against evil dark lords?

Well, Faraway is the story of a boy who did just that. But not in the way you’d expect.

This first edition features an essay from Emmet On pay and panelology, as well as a commissioned gallery of Australian art from Scarlette Baccini, Paul Caggegi, Dean Rankine and Ele Jenkins.



Entry created: July 3, 2020 at 12:32 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:38 am

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