Draw Your Own Life

Draw Your Own Life

Short Story | Reverie Publications | 2022 | Country of Publication: Australia

Danny Zemp


8 pages | All Ages
Short Story | Story appeared in: VEX #2

Genre: Non Fiction, Humour


“Draw Your Own Life” 8 pages

Writer: Jim Bridges
Artist: Danny Zemp


These 8 pages are designed as a mental self help. Some people have trouble to express themselves. The mental issues they are dealing with they do it by themselves. The idea is to draw your story. Your way. I was chosen as a professional cartoonist to draw one view. The way I see the story. I got a story given without any further instructions. I drew it the way I saw it. Another couple of people will be chosen to draw the same story in their way. The key is not to worry about how well one can draw, but to get the story onto paper. Even in form of stick figures. The goal is to draw your own life in your style and abilities.



Entry created: April 25, 2023 at 3:57 pm | Updated: April 26, 2023 at 8:53 am

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