Bolt Comics Presents

Bolt Comics Presents 4

Bolt Comics | 2018 | Country of Publication: Australia


50 pages | All Ages
Anthology, Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Adventure


“Dynah-Mite, Ace Detective, Part 2” 8 pages

Writer: Andrew Tribe
Artist: John Hanna
Colourist: Andrew Tribe

“The Adventurers Redux, Chapter 1” 9 pages

Writer/Artist: Andrew Tribe

“The Electrifying Bolt: The Perfect Storm Of Crime” 8 pages

Writer/Artist: Andrew Tribe

“A Brigand’s Tale: Burrow of the Bullfrog, Part 3” 6 pages

Writer/Artist: Daniel Tribe

“Stiller Brook: The Way Ahead” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Heroic Master of Pens


A 50 page all-star spectacular featuring every Bolt Comics title character to celebrate 5 years of Bolt Comics. This issue presented the conclusion to the current ‘A Brigand’s Tale’ arc and the next chapters of ‘Dynah-Mite’ and ‘Stiller Brook’. The Bolt returned in a self-contained short story and launched the first chapter of The Adventurers Redux (remastered and in colour for the first time). Also featured a pin up gallery by some of Australia’s top talent.



Entry created: October 15, 2021 at 11:23 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:41 am

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