Dead Ends: Fables of Loss and Morality

Dead Ends: Fables of Loss and Morality

New London Comics | 2014 | Country of Publication: Australia

Chadwick Ashby


72 pages | For Mature Readers

Genre: Alternative, Drama


“Courage” 14 pages

Writer: Anthony N. Castle
Artist: Chadwick Ashby

“Wings” 8 pages

Writer: Anthony N. Castle
Artist: Christopher Green

“Nature” 10 pages

Writer: Anthony N. Castle
Artist: Chadwick Ashby

“Rag Doll” 12 pages

Writer: Anthony N. Castle
Artist: Chadwick Ashby

“Clowns” 12 pages

Writer: Anthony N. Castle
Artist: Chadwick Ashby

“Monkey” 6 pages

Writer: Anthony N. Castle
Artist: Chadwick Ashby



Entry created: June 22, 2021 at 12:41 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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