2018 Ledger Awards Annual

2018 Ledger Awards Annual

Fabliaux | 2018 | Country of Publication: Australia

Tim McEwen; Walter Simonson


116 pages | All Ages

Genre: Non Fiction, Alternative


“We Connected Across A River” 6 pages

Writer/Artist: David C Mahler

“Ray” 5 pages

Writer/Artist: Jess Kitty Parker

“The Faceless Man” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Dillon Naylor

“Crispy” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Sarah Firth

“Flora + Fauna + Manyga” 2 pages

Writer: Tyson Mowarin
Artist: Sutu

“The Price of Acceptance” 10 pages

Writer/Artist: Sarah Winifred Searle

“Mr Unpronounceable Adventures” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Tim Molloy

“Savage Bitch” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: SCAR


The Ledger Annual includes art and features on those comics which won awards – Gold,. Silver and Bronze Ledgers. Also has articles on Ledger of Honour recipients Moira and Kathleen Bertram and Yaroslav Horak, Platinum Ledger recipient Tim McEwen, Maurice Bramley along with articles on the Ledgers and the judging process.

Includes non-fiction text articles by Lucas Testro, Gary Chaloner, Tim McEwen, Samuel McEwen, Anne-Maree McEwen, Michael Michalandos, Nik Kacevski, Pat Grant, Liz MacFarlane, Bruce Mutard, Daniel Best, Graeme Cliffe, Steve Panazzo and Mark McHugh.



Entry created: June 18, 2021 at 10:43 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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