WHY IS HE LAUGHING? A cartoonist’s journey with cancer.

WHY IS HE LAUGHING? A cartoonist’s journey with cancer.

Network Creative Services | 2019 | Country of Publication: Australia


For Mature Readers
Graphic Novel

Genre: Autobiography, Humour


“WHY IS HE LAUGHING? A cartoonist’s journey with cancer.”

Writer/Artist: Geoff Augustine
Editor: Brad Webb

Comic Arts Awards of Australia

Short Listed Project


When Australian cartoonist, Geoff Augustine was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in 2018 he responded the only way he knew how – by cartooning his personal cancer journey over eighteen months. From diagnosis, treatments, side effects and contemplating terminal outcomes he sets out to ‘fund the funny’ along the way.

While cancer is absolutely ‘no laughing matter’ Geoff’s work is one man sharing his experience while hopefully lightening the burden for others through humour.

Book design: Josh Durham, Design by Committee (cover, endpapers & section heads)



Entry created: July 7, 2020 at 5:55 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:39 am

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