The Phantom Enrols & Votes

The Phantom Enrols & Votes

Australian Electoral Commission/Garage Graphix | 1988 | Country of Publication: Australia

Garage Graphix


8 pages | All Ages
Comic Book, One-shot

Genre: Non Fiction, Education/Information

Main characters: The Phantom


“The Phantom Enrols & Votes” 7 pages

Writer: Alistar Legge
Artist: Garage Graphix
Letterer: Garage Graphix


The Phantom Enrols & Votes and Vote was a short, informational booklet, designed as a way of educating people, particularly Indigenous Australians, how to enrol as a voter and vote in the Australian parliamentary elections (Enrolls & Votes) as well as run for their local council elections (Vote #1).

(Updated cover 5/10/2021)



Entry created: June 30, 2021 at 1:24 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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