The Others

The Others

Cinema Viscera | 2020 | Country of Publication: Australia


All Ages
Graphic Novel, Webcomic/Online only | View project here.

Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Supernatural


“Chapter 1: In the Beginning…” 72 pages

Writer: Perri Cummings
Writer: Paul Anthony Nelson
Artist: Jess Dubblu (AKA Jessica Wilson)


With their race on the brink of total destruction, The Others must pool the last of their magic to perform a dangerous spell that will turn all but three of them to ash. Holding the survival of their people in their hands and the power of resurrection at their fingertips, Rosa, Rebecca and Scarlett spirit themselves across the globe to settle in a remote Australian country town… only to find their dream of sanctuary quickly turning into another witch hunt and bringing on a battle of magical proportions.



Entry created: October 4, 2021 at 4:19 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:41 am

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