The Mapmaker Vol.I

The Mapmaker Vol.I

Cloud 9 Comix | 2019 | Country of Publication: Australia


All Ages
Graphic Novel

Genre: Adventure


“Volume 1”

Writer: Ben Slabak
Artist: Francesca Carita
Colourist: Francesca Carita
Letterer: HdE


A bande dessinée format graphic novel for readers of all ages, the first of a two-volume graphic novel series that made its debut at the New York Comic Con in 2019 where the entire first print run sold out. The series has since been picked up by the US-based Scout Comics to be published and distributed internationally in 2020.



Entry created: July 7, 2020 at 6:25 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:39 am

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