The Last Silver Starr Story

The Last Silver Starr Story 1

Home Grown Media | 2001 | Country of Publication: Australia

Al Williamson


34 pages | All Ages
Comic Book

Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction

Main characters: Silver Starr


“Silver Starr”

Writer/Artist: Reginald Pitt
Writer/Artist: Stanley Pitt

“Emperor of Australian Pulp Fiction”

Writer: Richard Rae
Artist: Stanley Pitt

“Thank You My Australian Brother”

Writer/Artist: Al Williamson

“Celebrating Australia’s First International Comic Convention 1986”

Writer: Richard Rae

“Hal English Unleashed”

Writer: Richard Rae
Artist: Hal English

“Cool Catch”

Writer: Richard Rae
Artist: Hal English


Back cover is a reproduction of The Spirit in Australia by Will Eisner, drawn for the 1986 Sydney comic book convention.



Entry created: July 1, 2020 at 12:25 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:38 am

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