The Ink

The Ink 1

FlatFly Media | 2003 | Country of Publication: Australia

Doug Holgate


64 pages | For Mature Readers
Anthology, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Alternative, Biography, Humour


A5, Writers: Gabriel Fua, David Tang, Troy Kealley, Christopher Brunton, Christian Read, Bernie Slater, Bobby Nenadovic, TalNon, Ian C.Thomas, David Hodson, Scott Johnson, Jase Harper, Laura Battista, Matt Bayliss

Artists: Gabriel Fua, David Tang, Troy Kealley, Christopher Brunton, Bernie Slater, Bobby Nenadovic, Talitha Nonveiller (TalNon), Ian C. Thomas, David Hodson, Scott Johnson, Jase Harper, Laura Battista, Matt Bayliss, Garth Jones



Entry created: February 18, 2022 at 1:53 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:42 am

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