The Dark Nebula: Origins | 2008 | Country of Publication: Australia
Shane Foley
72 pages | All Ages
Collected edition of previously published work, Graphic Novel
Genre: Action, Adventure
“There Shall Come A Champion”
Writer: Tad Pietrzykowski
Artist: Shane Foley
Colourist: Tad Pietrzykowski
Editor: Blaire Wentworth
“This Earth Alive”
Writer: Tad Pietrzykowski
Artist: Shane Foley
Colourist: Tad Pietrzykowski
Editor: Blaire Wentworth
“Nightmares and Deceptions”
Writer: Tad Pietrzykowski
Artist: Shane Foley
Letterer: Tad Pietrzykowski
Editor: Blaire Wentworth
Entry created: July 2, 2021 at 11:52 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am