SHE Vol. 1: At The Tower of All That Is Known

SHE Vol. 1: At The Tower of All That Is Known

ComixTribe | 2020 | Country of Publication: USA

Chris Panda


64 pages | For Mature Readers, Adult content. Not for minors
Graphic Novel, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction


“At The Tower of All That Is Known” 48 pages

Writer: Ryan K Lindsay
Artist: Chris Panda
Letterer: Chris Panda
Editor: Dan Hill


After burying her only daughter, the deadliest bounty hunter in the galaxy discovers her next job will jeopardize the only thing She has left… her secrets. SHE is an all-new large-format graphic novella about an intergalactic bounty hunter by Ryan K Lindsay and Chris Panda, published by ComixTribe.



Entry created: June 29, 2021 at 12:16 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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