Platinum Grit: Book Two

Platinum Grit: Book Two

Dead Numbat Productions | 2005 | Country of Publication: Australia

Trudy Cooper


174 pages | For Mature Readers
Collected edition of previously published work

Genre: Alternative, Drama


“Drowning With Conviction” 35 pages
Originally published in: Platinum Grit 7
Writer/Artist: Trudy Cooper
Inker: Doug Bayne
Script: Danny Murphy

“Men Sent Him Jewelry” 32 pages
Originally published in: Platinum Grit 8
Writer/Artist: Trudy Cooper
Script: Danny Murphy
Inker: Doug Bayne

“Revoking My RSL Membership” 24 pages
Originally published in: Platinum Grit 9
Writer/Artist: Trudy Cooper
Script: Danny Murphy
Inker: Doug Bayne

“Revoking My RSL Membership, Part Two” 34 pages
Originally published in: Platinum Grit 10
Writer/Artist: Trudy Cooper
Script: Danny Murphy
Inker: Doug Bayne

“Revoking My RSL Membership, Part Three” 38 pages

Writer/Artist: Trudy Cooper
Script: Danny Murphy
Inker: Doug Bayne


Reprinting episodes 7 to 10 that were originally self-published under the Dead Numbat imprint in Australia between 1996 and 1998. This is the first printing of episode 11, published online in 2000.



Entry created: June 27, 2021 at 3:22 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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