How To Win A Raid

How To Win A Raid

Short Story | Bird’s Eye Comics | 2022 | Country of Publication: USA

Jeferson Sadzinski and Marcela Corrêa Müller


8 pages | For Mature Readers
Short Story | Story appeared in: The BeBop Vol. 2

Genre: Fantasy, Satire


“How To Win A Raid” 8 pages

Writer: Emmet O’Cuana
Artist: Jeferson Sadzinski and Marcela Corrêa Müller
Colourist: Jeferson Sadzinski and Marcela Corrêa Müller
Letterer: Cardinal Rae


How to win a Raid is the story of a hardy band of adventurers fighting their way across a fantastical landscape of deadly creatures, while a mysterious event causes individual members of the party to ‘disconnect’. Is this magic, or something else?



Entry created: May 12, 2023 at 12:01 pm | Updated: May 12, 2023 at 12:01 pm

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