Eleven Comics Exercises U Won’t Believe U Must Try

Eleven Comics Exercises U Won’t Believe U Must Try

Self published by Fionn McCabe | 2022 | Country of Publication: Australia

Fionn McCabe


86 pages | All Ages

Genre: Non Fiction, Educational


“Eleven Comics Exercises U Won’t Believe U Must Try” 82 pages

Writer/Artist: Fionn McCabe


Fionn McCabe writes:

Eleven Comics Exercises… is a collection of exercises and comics that I (mostly) made up to help me improve and expand my own comics practice and to use in the comics classes I teach at the University of Technology in Sydney.

This book is printed in black and white on white and yellow paper, with a Risograph cover printed in Fluorescent Pink on yellow card. It is about 75 pages long, with 12 comics exercises and 61 pages of comics. It was collated and perfect bound by hand.



Entry created: April 25, 2023 at 4:24 pm | Updated: April 25, 2023 at 4:24 pm

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