Steve Carter’s Comic Nasties: Charnel House

Steve Carter’s Comic Nasties: Charnel House 4

Carnage Impact Comics | 1992 | Country of Publication: Australia

Steve Carter & Antoinette Rydyr


28 pages | Adult content. Not for minors
Anthology, Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction


“Wildlife” 7 pages

Writer/Artist: Steve Carter & Antoinette Rydyr

“Spawn Bags” 3 pages

Writer/Artist: Steve Carter (as Evil Stevil) & Antoinette Rydyr (as Serena Synphyl)

“Invocation” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Steve Carter (as Carnage)

“X-Rated Dreams” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Steve Carter (as SCAR) & Antoinette Rydyr (as SCAR)

“Mutant Deathlands” 6 pages

Writer: Steve Carter (as Carcinogen)
Artist: Steve Carter

“The Ride” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Antoinette Rydyr & Steve Carter


A5, black and white format



Entry created: November 15, 2020 at 10:08 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:39 am

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