Wednesday , 19 February 2025

Black & Blue

Black & Blue

inkling comics | 2019 | Country of Publication: Australia


88 pages | All Ages
Graphic Novel

Genre: Science Fiction


“Human” 44 pages

Writer: Ben Quinlan
Artist: Beth Varni
Letterer: Ben Quinlan

“Cobalt” 44 pages

Writer: Ben Quinlan
Artist: Nathan Seabolt
Colourist: Fahriza Kamaputra
Letterer: Ben Quinlan


A story from opposite sides of the alien invasion of a drowned planet Earth.

Aliens have attacked, and taken 99.9% of the population, but we’ve discovered their weakness: salt water. So we flooded the planet and now live underwater. But they’re still up there…

The Cobalt people have suffered famine almost to the point of extinction. They now travel this empty galaxy in search of a new food source. Luckily, a delicious, and stupid, species have been found on a small blue and green planet. It’s mostly covered with a toxic liquid, but they’ll do what they must to keep their people alive.



Entry created: July 1, 2020 at 11:17 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:38 am

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