Australia Burns: Tales of devastation and courage under fire

Australia Burns: Tales of devastation and courage under fire

OzComics | 2020 | Country of Publication: Australia

Camillo Di Pietrantonio


100 pages | All Ages
Anthology, Comic Book, One-shot

Genre: Education/Information, History


Australia Burns is an anthology book of art and stories in tribute to the heroic firefighters and volunteers who have sacrificed everything to protect us from the vicious bushfire crisis, who are STILL fighting fires in many areas of Australia.

The creative team of writers and artists are some of the most talented you will find in this country, and several of the stories are written by real-life firefighters, giving a valuable insight into just what it’s like on the frontlines.

Printing donated by Jeffries Printing.

Darren Close, Editor.
Daniel Best, Assistant Editor.

Contributors: Camillo Di Pietrantonio, Cover artist. Jamie Johnson, artist. Louie Joyce, artist. Dean Rankine, artist. Shiloh Gordon, artist. Martin Abel, writer & artist. Rob O’Connor, artist. Khale McHurst, artist. Daniel Best, writer. Tim Stiles, writer. Aaron Davies, artist. Austen Mengler, artist. Justin Randall, writer & artist. Joshua Regan, writer & artist. Dave Heinrich, artist. Alister Lockhart, artist. Mike Cooper, writer & artist. Nick Chetcuti, artist. Simon Wright, artist. Marcey Papandrea, writer. Eloise Thornton, artist. Lauren Marshall, artist. Kieran Jack, writer & artist. Ahmed Raafat, artist. Max Myint, writer. Zac Smith-Cameron, artist. Emmanuel Hernaez, artist. Antoinette Rydyr & Steve Carter, writers & artists. Queenie Chan, artist. Malcolm Semmens, artist. Gee Hale, writer & artist. Donovan Alex, artist. Craig Bruyn, artist. Daniel Watts, writer & artist. Tony Menzie, artist. Spencer Davis, artist. Matty Taylor, artist. Mic McConaghy, artist. Darren Koziol, writer. Ben Sullivan, artist. Cristian Roux, writer & artist. Ryan K. Lindsay, writer. Mitchell Collins, artist. Ben Mitchell, writer & artist. Stuart Black, writer & artist. Shane W. Smith, writer. Carlyle Seers, writer. Jon Sommariva, artist. Dale Maccanti, writer. Trevor Wood, artist. Ryan Wilton, artist. David Jaxon, artist. Logan French, writer & artist. Hayden Fryer, artist. Zakh Fair, writer. Alex Sinclair, artist. Michael Michalandos, writer. Tim McEwen, artist. Chris McQuinlan, artist. Mal Briggs, writer & artist. Brad Heitmeyer, artist. Tom Taylor, writer. Grange Wallis, artist.



Entry created: June 15, 2021 at 10:17 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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