Art of the Afterlife: Influencers

Art of the Afterlife: Influencers

Short Story | Byron Arts Magazine | 2018 | Country of Publication: Australia

Alex Mankiewicz


All Ages
Short Story, Webcomic/Online only | View project here.
| Story appeared in: Byron Arts Magazine

Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Humour, Satire



Writer/Artist: Alex Mankiewicz


Spring 2018 installment in the series: Art of the Afterlife. Appearing quarterly in Byron Arts Magazine, the comic addresses and skewers contemporary issues using dead artists. It aims to amuse but also provoke conversation, debate, a broader perspective.
Art of the Afterlife: Influencers was published September 2018



Entry created: March 16, 2022 at 12:05 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:42 am

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