A Space Oddity

A Space Oddity

Amplified Press | 2022 | Country of Publication: Australia

Owen Heitmann (2nd edition cover)


28 pages | All Ages
Comic Book, Mini Comic, One-shot

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Humour


“A Space Oddity” 26 pages

Writer/Artist: Owen Heitmann


With dry wit and unexpected plot twists, A Space Oddity is a comedy about space travellers Rich and Sally and their encounter with one righteous dude.

Originally created as a 24-hour comic in black and white, the story was revised and expanded for print, with full colour and new lettering. A postscript also offers a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process.

This second edition has a new cover and further revised artwork throughout, making this the definitive edition of A Space Oddity.



Entry created: March 27, 2023 at 8:20 pm | Updated: March 27, 2023 at 8:20 pm

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