Courier The Adventures Of Geraldine Barker Vol. 1

Courier The Adventures Of Geraldine Barker Vol. 1

Ready Steady Studios | 2023 | Country of Publication: Australia

Angie Spice


90 pages | All Ages
Collected edition of previously published work

Genre: Fiction, Action, Adventure, Drama, History, Mystery, Thriller


“Maydena” 88 pages

Writer/Artist: Angie Spice


This collected edition includes single issues #1, #2 & #3 that complete the “Maydena Arc” in full colour!

An adventure, noir, historical, Australiana feature set in 1940’s Tasmania; Geraldine Barker diverges from a courier run in search of the elusive Tasmanian Tiger and finds herself stranded in the remote township of Maydena.



Entry created: December 19, 2023 at 8:15 am | Updated: December 19, 2023 at 8:23 am

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