The Passions Of Pussy Willow: The Sex Slaves Of Countess Charisma

The Passions Of Pussy Willow: The Sex Slaves Of Countess Charisma

Dark Mirror Muse Publishing & Press | 2022 | Country of Publication: Australia

Kam Taverner


68 pages | Adult content. Not for minors
Collected edition of previously published work, Graphic Novel

Genre: Adventure, Erotica


“The Sex Slaves Of Countess Charisma (portrait)” 23 pages

Writer/Artist: Kam Taverner

“The Sex Slaves Of Countess Charisma (landscape)” 42 pages

Writer/Artist: Kam Taverner


For Dark Mirror Muse Publishing & Press:
Garry L. Smith: Research, Restoration, Remastering and Art Direction
Garth Htimz: Project Manager

Celebrate the passage of 50 years since Kam Taverner created his fabulous heroine, Pussy Willow! “The Sex Slaves Of Countess Charisma” is the fifth remastered graphic novel of The Passions Of Pussy Willow.

For those who came in late: Pussy Willow is an operative of the clandestine British intelligence agency known as the Female Erotic Espionage League – or F.E.E.L. All F.E.E.L.’s operatives are highly trained in espionage, the martial arts and especially… all the arts of seduction.

This collection features the story in both portrait and landscape versions.



Entry created: May 16, 2023 at 10:12 pm | Updated: May 16, 2023 at 10:12 pm

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