Crucifix Executioner Vol. 3: Blood & Fire

Crucifix Executioner Vol. 3: Blood & Fire

Killer Comics | 2022 | Country of Publication: Australia

Ryan Brown


108 pages | Adult content. Not for minors
Graphic Novel, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Action, Drama, Horror


“Blood & Fire” 104 pages

Plot: Duncan Cunningham
Writer: Aaron Cassidy
Artist: Harsho Mohan Chattoraj
Colourist: Armando Jasmin Jr.
Letterer: Jahch


In a city plagued by chaos, everyone must battle for control glen loses control of his gift as a sinister new element gradually takes over. Infesting his lust for revenge, exacerbating his condition and solidifying his ability to control animals. A blind rage finally controls him as he battles to rescue a friend.

Can he battle the city and survive?

Gibbons’s quest for revenge leads him down a familiar dark path as he too battles to take control of the city and in his quest to take the prison he upsets some big white collar plans. Steel battles to keep his grip on control as everything he has built blows up around him.

A great battle of blood and fire is the only guarantee.



Entry created: April 16, 2023 at 11:22 am | Updated: April 16, 2023 at 11:25 am

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