Crime Scene Australia

Crime Scene Australia 1

Self Published | 2022 | Country of Publication: Australia

Uncredited (Michael Kumnick?)


44 pages | For Mature Readers, Adult content. Not for minors
Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Alternative, Crime, History, Satire, Supernatural


“Terror Nullius” 42 pages

Writer: Charlie Hill-Smith
Penciller: Michael Kumnick
Inker: Heydi Ibrahim
Colourist: Michael Gumlar


CSA is a mixed genre graphic novel that combines real Oz history, and contemporary social critique, with satire, and black comedy; all wrapped in a pop-culture narrative of supernatural-horror. CSA edition1- Terror Nullius; tells the story of a Sydney based TV crew shooting an investigative, cold-case TV-series about Australian history and the Frontier wars; that descends into a murderous ghost story.

Charlie Hill-Smith & Robbie Thorpe, co-creators
Robbie Thorpe & Carroll Karpany, Indigenous protocols



Entry created: April 14, 2023 at 9:49 am | Updated: April 14, 2023 at 9:49 am

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