The Protectorate Bootleg

The Protectorate Bootleg 1

Edge Comix | 2006 | Country of Publication: Australia

Brett Williams


28 pages | For Mature Readers
Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Adventure, Alternative, Humour


“The Protectorate Part II of II: When Titans Run Into Each Other” 6 pages

Writer: Brad Daniels
Artist: Brett Williams

“The Protectorate Part I of II” 9 pages

Writer: Brad Daniels
Artist: Brett Williams

“The Protectorate: When Titans Run Into Each Other – The Final Bit” 8 pages

Writer: Brad Daniels
Artist: Brett Williams



Entry created: November 14, 2022 at 9:37 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:42 am

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