Eureka, One Bloody Sunday

Eureka, One Bloody Sunday

NewSouth Publishing | 2020 | Country of Publication: Australia

Dave Dye


92 pages | For Mature Readers

Genre: Non Fiction, History, War


“Eureka, One Bloody Sunday” 88 pages

Writer: Hugh Dolan
Artist: Dave Dye


This graphic book brings to life the struggles of daily life on the goldfields and
the powerful events of the Eureka stockade.
The extraordinary story of Eureka is one that Australians have revisited since it
happened in 1854.
This book brings alive life on the Victorian goldfields. It tells us about power,
settlement and the growth of the colony. It tells us about rights, and what matters.



Entry created: September 16, 2022 at 12:55 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:42 am

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