XCT: Most Wanted

XCT: Most Wanted

Comics2Movies | 2018 | Country of Publication: Australia



78 pages | For Mature Readers, Adult content. Not for minors
Anthology, Graphic Novel

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy


“Achilles & Enyo” 10 pages

Writer: Michael Gordon
Artist: Eddie Nunez

“Sir Galloway and the Last Dragon” 10 pages

Writer: Stephen Kok
Artist: Von Randal

“Thrymr and the King of the Frost Giants” 10 pages

Writer: Stephen Kok
Artist: Lauren Marshall

“Khan the Greatest” 10 pages

Writer: Austin Hamblin
Artist: Michel Muliploa

“Legend of the Taniwha” 10 pages

Writer: Hannu Kesola
Artist: Alex Malyshev

“Miyamoto Misashi and the Tengu” 12 pages

Writer: Ben Rosenthal
Artist: Mark Lauthier


XCT: Most Wanted is an anthology based within the XCT Universe. It combines different characters stories written and drawn by amazing Australian and International creators.

What would you do if you where brought back to life to fight for the worlds entertainment? Would you comply?

In the year 2069 follow the action and adventures of Achilles and Enyo the goddess of war, along with Genghis Khan, Thrymr the King of the Frost Giants, Sir Galloway, the legendary Taniwha and the magical Tengu within the Xtreme Champion Tournament Universe.

Live or die, you will fight!



Entry created: April 24, 2022 at 12:19 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:42 am

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