The Nib: Pandemic

The Nib: Pandemic

The Nib | 2020 | Country of Publication: USA

Meg O’Shea

Variant Covers

Cover: Eleanor Davis


122 pages | All Ages
Anthology, Comic Book, Magazine

Genre: Non Fiction, Alternative, Education/Information


“Human Resources” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Meg O’Shea
Editor: Eleri Harris

“The Navajo Nation Has Been Ravaged by COVID-19” 2 pages

Artist: Arigon Starr
Writer: Kalle Benallie
Editor: Adapted by Eleri Harris


In less than a year, it’s killed over a million people, destroyed economies, and transformed our lives. The Nib takes a look at the COVID-19 pandemic in the next issue of our award-winning all-comics magazine.

Eleri Harris, Features Editor.



Entry created: September 27, 2021 at 9:13 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 7:31 am

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