Meatbucket MegaBabes in the Virus Dimension

Meatbucket MegaBabes in the Virus Dimension

Short Story | Comic Book School | 2020 | Country of Publication: USA


All Ages
Short Story | Story appeared in: Creator Connections Panel 1 Anthology

Genre: Fantasy, Humour, Satire, Science Fiction


“Meatbucket MegaBabes in the Virus Dimension” 8 pages

Writer/Artist: Jarrod Elvin


Made for the ‘Comic Book School 8 Page Comic Challenge’ and published in the Creator Connections Panel 1 Anthology. All of the comics in this anthology were made in 2020 for the 8 Page Challenge, however this story was the only one made in Australia. For more information:



Entry created: September 22, 2021 at 1:21 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:41 am

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