Fox Comics

Fox Comics 20

Fox Comics | 1988 | Country of Publication: Australia

Tony Thorne


40 pages | For Mature Readers
Anthology, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Non Fiction, Adventure, Alternative, Autobiography, Fantasy, Humour


“Return of the Hunter” 4 pages

Script: David Bird
Plot: Tony Thorne
Artist: Tony Thorne
Letterer: Tony Thorne

“A Sailor’s Life” 5 pages

Writer: Philip Bentley
Artist: Chris Johnson
Letterer: Chris Johnson

“Faith” 3 pages

Writer/Artist: Gerard Ashworth
Letterer: Gerard Ashworth

“Lifestyles of the Poor And Insignificant” 4 pages

Writer: Lazarus Dobelsky
Writer/Artist: Ian Eddy
Letterer: Ian Eddy

“X-Mas At Our House” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: David Hodson
Letterer: David Hodson

“True Confusions” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: David Hodson
Letterer: David Hodson

“The Testimony Of The Prophet St. Linz” 3 pages

Writer/Artist: Lindsay Arnold
Letterer: Lindsay Arnold

“Secret Scientist” 1 pages

Writer: David Hodson
Artist: Dillon Naylor
Letterer: Dillon Naylor

“I Was A Captive Sex Slave” 2 pages

Writer: David Bird
Artist: Greg Gates
Letterer: Greg Gates

“Some Advice For Fathers To Be” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Eddie Campbell
Letterer: Eddie Campbell

“Things I Learned At College” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Eddie Campbell
Letterer: Eddie Campbell

“This Happened Last Night” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Eddie Campbell
Letterer: Eddie Campbell

“Sex: Part Two – Love” 2 pages

Writer: Kupe
Artist: Dylan Horrocks
Letterer: Dylan Horrocks


All stories edited by David Vodicka



Entry created: July 13, 2021 at 4:04 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:41 am

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