Electric Ferret

Electric Ferret 17

Radikal Shiekh Graphics | 1993 | Country of Publication: Australia

Gerard Ashworth


72 pages | For Mature Readers
Comic Book, Mini Comic, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Alternative, Humour


“Limbo August” 30 pages

Writer/Artist: Gerard Ashworth
Letterer: Gerard Ashworth
Editor: Gerard Ashworth

“Superhero Part Two: Handyman” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Neale Blandon

“Box Boy” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Peter Galmes

“Weird Stress Kittens: Suicide Is Breathless” 8 pages

Writer/Artist: Gerard Ashworth
Letterer: Gerard Ashworth
Editor: Gerard Ashworth

“Consumer Bug” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: David James

“Exegesis” 10 pages

Writer/Artist: Gerard Ashworth
Letterer: Gerard Ashworth
Editor: Gerard Ashworth

“Yet Another Anthropomorphic Rabbit” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: David James

“The Epiphanies Of St. Jot” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Gerard Ashworth
Letterer: Gerard Ashworth
Editor: Gerard Ashworth

“Calvin and Hobbes” 1 pages

Writer: John Garland
Artist: Bill Watterson
Letterer: Gerard Ashworth
Editor: Gerard Ashworth



Entry created: July 2, 2021 at 3:18 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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