Dark Nebula: The Trial of The Dark Nebula

Dark Nebula: The Trial of The Dark Nebula

TheDarkNebula.com | 2008 | Country of Publication: Australia

Glenn Lumsden


48 pages | All Ages
Collected edition of previously published work, Graphic Novel

Genre: Action, Adventure, Superhero


“Dark Nebula: The Trial of Dark Nebula”
Originally published in: Dark Nebula #5
Writer: Tad Pietrzykowski
Artist: Glenn Lumsden
Letterer: Glenn Lumsden
Colourist: Tad Pietrzykowski
Editor: Blaire Wentworth

“Dark Nebula: Oblivion”
Originally published in: Dark Nebula #6
Writer: Tad Pietrzykowski
Artist: Jason Paulos
Colourist: Tad Pietrzykowski
Editor: Blaire Wentworth



Entry created: July 2, 2021 at 12:04 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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