Team Titans Annual

Team Titans Annual 2

DC Comics | 1994 | Country of Publication: USA

Mike Deodato, Jr.


68 pages | All Ages
Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Superhero

Main characters: Teen Titans


“Into the Light”

Script: Jeff Jensen
Script: Phil Jimenez
Penciller: Luke Ross
Penciller: Michal Dutkiewicz
Penciller: A. J. Kent
Inker: Maria Beccari
Inker: Terry Beatty
Inker: Jose Marzan, Jr.
Colourist: Julianna Ferriter
Letterer: Kevin Cunningham



Entry created: June 23, 2021 at 12:36 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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