Billy Demon Slayer: Series One

Billy Demon Slayer: Series One

Siberian Productions | 2005 | Country of Publication: Australia

Hayden Fryer


124 pages | All Ages
Collected edition of previously published work, Graphic Novel

Genre: Young Adult


“Supermarket Of Horrors” 18 pages
Originally published in: Billy: Demon Slayer Vol 1 #1 (Siberian Productions)
Writer/Artist: Hayden Fryer
Editor: Ian C. Thomas

“The Demon Pub” 18 pages
Originally published in: Billy: Demon Slayer Vol 1 #2 (Siberian Productions)
Writer/Artist: Hayden Fryer
Editor: Ian C. Thomas

“Loop-Holes” 18 pages
Originally published in: Billy: Demon Slayer Vol 1 #3 (Siberian Productions)
Writer/Artist: Hayden Fryer
Editor: Ian C. Thomas

“Clubs and Brothers” 18 pages
Originally published in: Billy: Demon Slayer Vol 1 #4 (Siberian Productions)
Writer/Artist: Hayden Fryer
Editor: Ian C. Thomas

“Armageddon” 18 pages
Originally published in: Billy: Demon Slayer Vol 1 #5 (Siberian Productions)
Writer/Artist: Hayden Fryer
Editor: Ian C. Thomas

“Where Are They Now?” 6 pages

Writer/Artist: Hayden Fryer

“Covers Gallery” 6 pages

Artist: Hayden Fryer

“Pin-Up Gallery” 9 pages

Artist: Robert Forrest
Artist: Shannon Brown
Artist: Tonia Walden
Artist: Jacen Carpenter
Artist: Chris Wahl
Artist: Steven Preston
Artist: Tim Pearson


Reprints the first five issues of Billy: Demon Slayer.



Entry created: June 9, 2021 at 1:05 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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