Small Intestine

Small Intestine 4

Spastic Monkey Corporation | 1995 | Country of Publication: Australia

Damien Woods


32 pages | For Mature Readers
Anthology, Mini Comic, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Alternative


“Untitled” 3 pages

Writer/Artist: Damien Woods

“Back To The base” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Neale Blandon

“24 Hour Future Form of Public Education” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Damien Woods

“U.S.S. Indianapolis” 14 pages

Writer/Artist: Damien Woods

“Merging Traffic” 1 pages

Writer: Antionette Rydyr
Artist: Steve Carter

“Bozo The Bastard Cat in Space Odyssey” 7 pages

Writer/Artist: Damien Woods


All contents edited by Damien Woods. Includes ads for Groovy Gravy #8, Neale Blandon and Charnel House. A5 format, black and white with orange/blue cover. Index based upon the second printing. Copy signed by Woods.



Entry created: June 1, 2021 at 10:44 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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