

ComicOz | 2015 | Country of Publication: Australia

Lesley Vamos


108 pages | For Mature Readers
Anthology, Graphic Novel, One-shot

Genre: Adventure, Education/Information, Fantasy, Humour, Mystery, Superhero, Supernatural



Artist: Anton Emdin

“Vegemite Parrot”

Writer/Artist: Georgina Chadderton (George Rex)

“Battlers Inc.”

Artist: Dillon Naylor (cover)
Writer: Dillon Naylor
Artist: Greg Gates

“Sonny Hammond’s Guide to Understanding What Skippy’s Trying to Say”

Writer/Artist: Rob Feldman

“Somewhere in Australia”

Writer/Artist: Danny Zemp


Writer/Artist: Anton Emdin

“Drover Girl”

Writer/Artist: Ian C. Thomas

“Illegal Aliens”

Writer/Artist: Dani Vittz

“Pilbara Encounter”

Writer/Artist: Don Ticchio
Writer: Sorab Del Rio

“Ten Great Things About Penguins”

Writer: Ian C. Thomas
Artist: Paul Harris

“Cold Feet”

Writer/Artist: Haylee Snook

“As It Was”

Writer/Artist: Dave Hodson

“Kelly’s Revenge”

Writer/Artist: Glenn Lumsden

“Changing Gears”

Writer/Artist: Mandy Ord

“Lord Forrest”

Writer/Artist: Andrei Buters

“Australia – Facts For Tourists”

Writer/Artist: Andrew Weldon

“Ode To An Icon”

Writer/Artist: Adi Firth

“Loser Nobody”

Writer: Andrez Bergen
Artist: Chris Wahl

“Siren of the Reef”

Writer/Artist: Veronica Rooke

“Chris and Dave”

Writer/Artist: Garret Beisler

“Greener Pastures: Die! Bull! Die!”

Writer: Michael Michelandos
Artist: Tim McEwen


Writer/Artist: Rose Rigley

“Ignorant Savages”

Writer/Artist: Dave Dye

“Trees A Crowd”

Writer/Artist: Owen Heitmann
Colourist: Joshua Smythe

“The Soldier Legacy: Good Boy”

Writer/Artist: Dr. Paul Mason

“Here I Am Not Now”

Writer/Artist: Ben Constantine

“The Lake”

Writer: Julie Ditrich
Artist: Peter Fairfax

“You Will Tell Us All You Know”

Writer/Artist: Rob Feldman





Entry created: August 9, 2020 at 11:06 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:39 am

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