Ozone Studios | 2004 | Country of Publication: Australia

Jason Badower


48 pages | For Mature Readers
Anthology, Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Fiction, Action, Alternative, Superhero

Main characters: Killeroo


“Good For The Goose” 11 pages

Writer: Jan Napiorkowski
Artist: Jason Badower
Letterer: Darren Close

“Killeroo’s Big Night Off” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Jason Paulos
Letterer: Jason Paulos

“Free Kick” 5 pages

Writer: Andie Tong
Penciller: Andie Tong
Inker: Darren Close
Letterer: Darren Close
Tones: Darren Close

“On The Road” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Damien Shanahan
Letterer: Damien Shanahan

“Position Vacant” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Jason Paulos
Letterer: Jason Paulos


Now considered more of an “Elseworlds” collection of stories by the publisher – in terms of canon characterisation of Killeroo. The series of books from KILLEROO: SCARS onwards is considered the real story of the character.

Includes pinups by David Yardin, Aaron Shanahan, Marcelo Baez, Ryan Vella, Craig Phillips, Chris Wahl, Steven Preston, L. Frank Weber, Fatih Hasbudak, Norm Breyfogle & Mahmud Asrar.



Entry created: July 6, 2020 at 2:58 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:39 am

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