Cyclone Comics Quarterly

Cyclone Comics Quarterly 1

Cyclone Comics | 1992 | Country of Publication: Australia

Gary Chaloner & Ashley Wood


44 pages | For Mature Readers
Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Humour, Mystery, Superhero

Main characters: Flash Damingo, The Jackaroo, The Undertaker Morton Stone


“Flash Damingo: The Wounded Sky”

Writer/Artist: Gary Chaloner
Inker: Dillon Naylor (pages 2 & 3)

“The Undertaker: A Dog and His Man”

Writer: Gary Chaloner
Layouts: Gary Chaloner
Artist: Ashley Wood

“Interview: Michael D. Allred on ‘Madman Adventures'”

“Dr. Moth: Heaven’s Prisoners”

Writer/Artist: Ashley Wood



Entry created: July 6, 2020 at 11:22 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:39 am

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