The Wrath of the Cursed (variant edition)

The Wrath of the Cursed (variant edition) 3

Self published by Matt Kyme with Halftone Productions | 2019 | Country of Publication: Australia

Kieran Jack


28 pages | For Mature Readers
Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Action, Adventure


“Part 3” 28 pages

Writer: Matt Kyme
Artist: Kieran Jack
Letterer: Graeme Jackson


The Wrath of the Cursed was the brain child of Matt Kyme. In early 2019 he approached me with a crazy idea of having a comic issue with 2 variants, but not just a variant cover, rather the whole issue would be completely illustrated by another artist. I thought is was a great idea but I had to ask, “Matt, who’s crazy enough to take on such a challenge” to which he replied “That’s why I’m asking you!”

And you know what, I was that crazy enough to take on this challenge to recreate Matt’s panels and warping them into my own style, following his script. The end result that you see here is from a combination of collaboration and a love of making comics.



Entry created: July 5, 2020 at 2:07 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:38 am

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