Munden’s Bar: Best Bar None

Munden’s Bar: Best Bar None

Short Story | First Comics | 1990 | Country of Publication: United States


6 pages | All Ages
Short Story | Story appeared in: Grimjack #67 (First Comics, Jan. 1990)

Genre: Humour, Superhero

Main characters: The Southern Cross, The Nightfighter, The Jackaroo


“Munden’s Bar: Best Bar None” 6 pages

Writer: Dave de Vries
Penciller: Gary Chaloner
Inker: Jon Robinson
Letterer: Gary Fields
Colourist: Martin Thomas
Editor: Laurel Fitch


Munden’s Bar back up features Southern Cross, The Nightfighter, Molo the Mighty, The Dingo, Dark Nebula and Jack Keegan (The Jackaroo).



Entry created: June 29, 2020 at 3:25 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:38 am

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