Diary of a Bisexual Satanist

Diary of a Bisexual Satanist

Self published by Emily N3ver | 2019 | Country of Publication: Australia


50 pages | For Mature Readers
Collected edition of previously published work, Webcomic/Online only | View project here.

Genre: Autobiography, Education/Information


“Diary of a Bisexual Satanist” 50 pages

Writer/Artist: Emily N3ver


Since Late October 2019 I have published a comic page each day on my Instagram detailing my life growing up as a Bisexual woman in Australia. I believe it is important to document these experiences and share my story with others to promote compassion and open up the dialogue about sexual health whilst being critical and funny, particularly in the aftermath of the Australian Plebiscite. While the comic series is still currently on-going, I have printed and self published a hard copy of 50 pages from 2019.



Entry created: June 29, 2020 at 11:25 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:38 am

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