Cyclone! Australia

Cyclone! Australia 4

Cyclone Comics | 1986 | Country of Publication: Australia

Dave de Vries


44 pages | All Ages
Anthology, Comic Book, Part of a numbered series

Genre: Adventure, Superhero


“The Jackaroo: Alien Dawn”

Writer/Artist: Gary Chaloner

“The Dark Nebula: This Earth, Alive!”

Writer: Tad Pietrzykowski
Penciller: Dave de Vries
Inker: Shea Anton Pensa

“Crimson Comet” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Dave de Vries
Letterer: Kerry Kennedy

“The Southern Squadron: Hold On To Your Braincells!”

Writer/Artist: Dave de Vries
Letterer: Gary Chaloner

“The Southern Cross: Episode 4: Enter – Agent Nazi!”

Writer/Artist: Glenn Lumsden
Letterer: Gary Chaloner



Entry created: June 15, 2020 at 1:31 pm | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:38 am

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