2017 Ledger Awards Annual

2017 Ledger Awards Annual

Fabliaux | 2017 | Country of Publication: Australia

Mel Tregonning


102 pages | All Ages

Genre: Non Fiction, Alternative


“Juxtapose” 4 pages

Writer: Emmet O’Cuana
Artist: Dave Dye

“They Thought I Was Asleep” 4 pages

Writer: Paul Kelly (Based upon a song by)
Writer/Artist: Angelo Madrid

“Charon” 4 pages

Writer/Artist: Ben Sullivan

“Diane Arbus: The Uppercrust Shutterbug” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Susan Butcher
Writer/Artist: Carol Wood

“De Chirico: Master of the Metaphysic Arts” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Carol Wood
Writer/Artist: Susan Butcher

“Little Nemo in Escherland” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Carol Wood
Writer/Artist: Susan Butcher

“Goya’s Diary” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Carol Wood
Writer/Artist: Susan Butcher

“Neckerchief” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Gia Chadderton

“Scabpicker” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Gia Chadderton

“Expiation Date” 5 pages

Writer/Artist: Hein Pham

“Cyclone Force” 8 pages

Writer: Tad Pietrzykowski
Writer: Gary Chaloner
Penciller: Gary Chaloner
Inker: Tim McEwen

“Wally” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Bruce Mutard

“This Little Piggy” 0.5 pages

Writer/Artist: Michelle Naumovski

“Get Yo Spook On” 0.5 pages

Writer/Artist: Michelle Naumovski

“Great Heights” 0.5 pages

Writer/Artist: Michelle Naumovski

“Ozwald” 0.5 pages

Writer/Artist: Michelle Naumovski

“Gazpacho” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Owen heitmann

“CT Scan” 2 pages

Writer/Artist: Rachel Ang

“Spider” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Rachel Ang

“Window” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Rachel Ang

“Poor Man’s Ocean (excerpt)” 1 pages

Writer/Artist: Stuart Medley


The Ledger Annual includes art and features on those comics which won awards – Gold,. Silver and Bronze Ledgers. Also has articles on Ledger of Honour recipients May Gibbs and Paul Wheelahan, Platinum Ledger recipient Michael Fikaris, Before the ledgers: OzCon Awards along with articles on the Ledgers and the judging process.

Includes non-fiction text articles by Violet Tregonning, Kieran Mangan, Gary Chaloner, Tim McEwen, Bruce Mutard, John Retallick, Nat Karmichael, Kevin Patrick and Daniel Best.



Entry created: June 18, 2021 at 10:00 am | Updated: March 23, 2023 at 4:40 am

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